Deep Tissue and Mental Health

ProMedMa's Team Supports Mental Health

Deep Tissue Massage Therapy has multiple benefits towards mental health

Promedma's Massage Therapists understand the connection between mental and physical health. The daily emotional stresses of work and life can have painful physical effects such as: headaches, neck, mid/ low back and leg pain. Chronic pain can also effect your sleep patterns. Lack of sleep can lead to anxiety disorders, mood disorders, ADD or ADHD, Depression and more.

Our massage therapists are trained to treat and/or reduce your neuromuscular pain therefore allowing you to address any mental or emotional health issues you may be living with.

Take control of your health today.

Mental Health 

The Connection between Mental and Physical Health


Mental health and physical health are fundamentally linked. People living with a mental illness are at greater risk of experiencing a wide range of physical health problems.1 The reverse relationship is also true: people living with chronic physical health conditions experience depression and anxiety at twice the rate of the general population.2

Why do mental and physical health conditions co-exist?

Both mind and body are affected by biological and emotional changes, as well as by social factors such as income and housing. These three pathways of biology, illness experience, and the social determinants of health can increase the likelihood of someone living with a mental illness or chronic physical condition developing a co-existing condition.

Mental illnesses can alter hormonal balances, sleep cycles, and immune system function, while many psychiatric medications have side-effects ranging from weight gain to irregular heart rhythms.3,4 These symptoms create an increased vulnerability to a range of physical health problems. Similarly, poor physical health may cause high blood sugar levels and disrupt the circulation of blood, which can impact brain function.5 Furthermore, mental and physical illnesses share many symptoms, such as food cravings and decreased energy levels, which can increase food consumption, decrease physical activity and contribute to weight gain. These factors increase the risk of developing chronic physical conditions and can have a detrimental impact upon mental well-being. Furthermore, they can mask the identification of a co-existing condition, leaving a mental or physical health problem untreated.

The way that people experience illness can increase their susceptibility of developing poor mental or physical health. Mental illness can impact social and cognitive function and decrease energy levels, which can negatively impact the adoption of healthy behaviors. Some psychiatric medications also increase food cravings and experiences with lethargy. Furthermore, people living with chronic physical conditions often experience emotional stress and chronic pain, which are both associated with the development of depression and anxiety. Experiences with disability can also cause distress and isolate people from social supports.

Barriers faced by people with poor mental or physical health to accessing the social determinants of health can also lead to co-existing health problems. People living with mental illnesses often face higher rates of poverty, unemployment, lack of stable housing, and social isolation. People who are unable to afford healthier food options often experience nutritional deficiencies. Poor nutrition is a significant risk factor for the development of heart disease and diabetes. Similarly, it is more difficult to be physically active when living in an unsafe or unhealthy neighborhood. Mental well-being can suffer when people living with chronic physical conditions face barriers accessing mental health care. Housing insecurity can be particularly stressful and lead to poorer mental and physical health.



#102, 9807-34 ave Edmonton AB T6E 5X9

Telephone 780-468-6878
